Custom Surrogate Standard Mix Back Catalog number: 96807 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended 9849.4-1G Succinic semialdehyde, neat, Solvent-neat, Unit 1G, # of units-1, 692-29-5 Price on request S-4688-100-ACX10 Custom Mix deuterated pesticides, Internal standards 100ug/mL in aceton 10 x 1ml 8 compounds 2932. 2,4-D D3 (old pr. nr. 9506.), 9764.Bentazone D6, 9508.DNOC D3 (instead of D5) 9507.Dichlorprop D3 (instead of D6) 2921. MCPA D3 (instead of D Price on request 675751 Dicrotophos, 10.0 µg/ml, Ethyl acetate, 10ml Price on request