n-Hexatriacontane Back Catalog number: 90950 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended S-4133-30K-MXX5 Paraffin Mixture 2 Analytes, each 3 Wt.% in n-Hexane/n-Heptane = 1:1; units: 1x1mL, 5x1mL Use this standard to adjust the olefin and Ether-Alcohol-Aromatic (EAA) trap temperatures. Name Wt.% n-Nonane 3.0 n-Decane 3.0 Price on request 59897 ICP/MS Mix Price on request 1362.9-1G 2,4,6-Trimethylphenol, neat, Solvent-neat, Unit 1g, # of units-1, Cas.no. 527-60-6 Price on request