EPA Method 8330 Analyte Back Catalog number: 79074 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended S-4198-ASS-10RF EPA O-FID Quantitative Calibration Check Standard (without Internal Standard) 4 Analytes, each Wt.% as listed in RFA Gasoline; units: 1x10mL, 5x10mL Name Wt.% Name Wt.% Methanol 4.0Methyl tert-butyl et Price on request 675535 D4-Rhodamine B, 5mg Price on request S-4743-100-TX10 Custom mix of C0-C4 chrysenes and related PAHs 0201.18-200-T Benz[a]anthracene 0001.18-200-T Triphenylene 0212.18-200-T Chrysene 0292.19-K-T 1-Methylchrysene 0293.19-200-T 2-Methylchrysene 0295.19-200-T 4-Methylchrysene 0100.20-200-T 3,9-Dimethylben Price on request