(2E)-Octen-1-ol Back Catalog number: 71639 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended 3245.23-K-IO 14-cis-Tricosenoic acid , 1000µg/mL, Solvent-isooctane, Unit 1mL, # of units-1, Cas.no. 105305-00-8 Price on request S-4056-750-10MX Thiophene/2-Methylthiophene (2:1) in isooctane/Toluene(3:1); Units: 5x1mL ampoules, 1x10mL screw-capped bottle Chiron No. Concentration µgS/g (ppm) Wt.% S-4056-0 Blank 0 S-4056-5 5 Price on request 11245.10-100-AN Acetamipid-d3 (N-methyl-d3) (mixture of isomers),100 µg/mL,acetonitrile,1mL, Price on request