2,6-Dimethylphenol Back Catalog number: 71509 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended S-4223-K-5ME GRO Mixture 4, UST Modified Gasoline Range 10 Analytes, each 1000 µg/mL in methanol; untits: 1x1mL, 1x5mL 1300.6 Benzene [71-43-2] 1265.8 p-Xylene [106-42-3] 1264.7 Toluene [108-88-2] 1270.9 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6] 1268.8 Ethylbenzene [1 Price on request 10169.27-K-IO Hexaethylene glycol mono(p-n-nonylphenyl) ether, 1000µg/mL, Solvent-Isooctane, Unit 1mL, # of units-1, Cas.no. Price on request S-4393-4 S-4393-1 B[a]P/HCB Calibration Standard 2 (solvent : n- Nonane) Product S-4393-1 S-4393-2 S-4393-3 S-4393-4 S-4393-5 1356,6 Hexachlorobenzene 0,01 µg/mL 0,05 0,1 Price on request