2,3-Dichlorophenol Back Catalog number: 71253 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended 2020.7-1ML p-Fluorotoluene, neat, Solvent-neat, Unit 1mL, # of units-1, Cas.no. 352-32-9 Price on request S-4576-100-DCX10 Custom Mix P-pesticides 100µg/mL each in dichloromethane 3344.9 Chlorpyrifos-ethyl 2779.12 Diazinon 3377.4 Dichlorvos 3403.10 Fenthion 3449.8 Parathion-methyl 2780.9 Ethion 3381.5 Dimethoate 1396.10Malathion 2782.10 Parathion-ethyl 8942.8 Bromophos Price on request 51029 Kerosene K2 Price on request