Octachloronaphthalene Back Catalog number: 70742 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended 8463.3-100-W Glyphosate, 100µg/mL, Solvent-water, Unit 1mL, # of units-1, Cas.no. 1071-83-6 Price on request 56114 Silicon (Si) Price on request S-4575-100-DCX10 Custom Mix N-pesticides 100µg/mL each in dichloromethane 2769.9 Propazine 3507.10 Terbutryn 2768.13 Atrazine 3523.13 Trifluralin 8943.11 Propachlor 2107.7 Dichlorbenzonitril 3491.10 Prometryn 8226.6 Desmetryn 3349.9 Cyanazine 2771.9 Terbutylazine 38 Price on request