ASTM D-3710 Column Test Mix Back Catalog number: 51054 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended S-4084-K-5BD Perdeuterated Internal Standard PAH-Mixture 4 5 analytes, each1000 µg/mL in benzene-d6; units: 1x1mL, 1x5mL 1337.16 Fluoranthene-d10 [93951-69-0] 1348.20 Benzo[b]fluoranthene-d12 [93951-98-5] 1349.20 Benzo[k]fluoranthene Price on request 9397.20-K-ME Citalopram hydrobromide, 1000µg/mL, Solvent-methanol, Unit 1mL, # of units-1, 59729-32-7 Price on request 98613 Dacthal Price on request