Diesel Fuel #2 as TPH in Water Back Catalog number: 38114 Manufacturer: ABSOLUTE STANDARDS Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended S-4321-100-T Perdeuterated Internal Standard – PAH Mixture 9 1524,12 Acenaphthene-d10 [15067-26-2] 0389,14 Phenanthrene-d10 [1517-22-2] 1337,16 Fluoranthene-d10 [93951-69-0] 1087,18 Benzo[a]anthracene-d12 [1718-53-2] 1088,20 Benzo[a]pyrene-d Price on request S-4620-ASS-10DC Custom Mix of perdeuterated PAHs and native PCBs (I), >99% purity 0978.10 Naphthalene-d8 5000µg/mL 1524.12 Acenaphthene-d10 5000µg/mL 0389.14 Phenanthrene-d10 5000µg/mL 1337.16 Fluoranthene-d10 5000µg/mL 1088.20 Benzo[a]pyrene-d12 Price on request 91822 WS 038 Pesticide AMP 1 Price on request