Aqueous Ethanol Standard (1,5g/l), 10 x 1,1ml Back Catalog number: ME 20150 Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended 683043 Trifloxystrobin Metabolite CGA 321113, 100 µg/ml, Price on request MBP-CG Mass-Labelled Mono to Decachloro PCB Solution/Mixture, 1.2ml, nonane Price on request S-4081-200-CY Perdeuterated Internal Standard - PAH-Mixture 3 9 Analyte, each 1000 µg/mL in cyclohexane; units: 1x1mL, 1x5mL 0978.10 Naphthalene-d8 [1146-65-2] 1336.12 Acenaphthylene-d8 [93951-97-4] 0383.12 Dibenzothiophene-d8 Price on request