Product description: Stator face seal, for 1260 Infinity II preperative manual injector
Filter Assembly Material: -
Inner Diameter (ID): -
LC Application Compatibility: Preparative
LC Component Type: -
LC Fitting Key: -
LC Fitting Material: -
LC Fitting Type: -
LC Module Type Compatibility: Manual Injector
LC System Compatibility: -
LC Tubing Material: -
LC Valve Material: -
Length: -
Pore Size: -
UNSPSC code: 40141616
More at the manufacturer website:
Stator Face ManInject Prep
Catalog number: 5068-0321
Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies
Availability: In the manufacturer's stock
Price (VAT incl.) 21 145,69 Kč
17 475,78 Kč