Molinate, 100mg Back Catalog number: 675429 Manufacturer: HPC STANDARDS GmbH Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended S-4132-ASS-5MX Olefin Mixture 5 Analytes, each Wt.% as listed in n-hexane/n-heptane = 1:1; units: 1x1mL, 5x1mL Use this standard to adjust the olefin and Ether-Alcohol-Aromatic (EAA) trap temperatures so that C5 through C9 olefins are quantitative determined. Name Price on request M10007B pH 7.01 buffer solution (box of 25x20mL sachet) Price on request 51129 Aromatics Quantitative Calibration Mix #1 Price on request