PSA-Mix 2 Back Catalog number: 674689 Manufacturer: HPC STANDARDS GmbH Availability: In the manufacturer's stock Price on request - + Recommended 681936 Chromafenozide, 10.0 µg/ml, Acetonitrile, 10ml Price on request S-4115-ASS-AN Check Mix, EPA 610 8 Analytes, each concentration as listed in acetonitrile; units: 1x1mL, 5x1mL 0711.10 Naphthalene [91-20-3] 100 µg/mL 0002.12 Acenaphthylene [208-96-8] 100 µg/mL 0732.12 Acenaphthene [83 Price on request 3350.22-100 beta-Cyfluthrin, 100µg/mL, Solvent-c.hexane or ac.nitrile, Unit 1mL, # of units-1, 68359-37-5 Price on request