Prosulfocarb Back Catalog number: 10820.14-100-AN Manufacturer: CHIRON AS Availability: 3 weeks Price on request - + Recommended S-4056-50-MXX5 Thiophene/2-Methylthiophene (2:1) in isooctane/Toluene(3:1); Units: 5x1mL ampoules, 1x10mL screw-capped bottle Chiron No. Concentration µgS/g (ppm) Wt.% S-4056-0 Blank 0 S-4056-5 5 Price on request 66049 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl (49) Price on request S-4251-SET Aromatics Calibration Standards Kit (3 Internal Standard Version) 24 Analytes + 3 ISTD, each Vol.% as listed in isooctane; units: 5x1mL Set, one of each Std. 1-5 + opt. 1x1mL (Std. 6) To these calibration standards are 3 deuterated Internal Standards Price on request