Popis produktu: Agilent APTS (formerly ProZyme) labeled glycan standards are commonly used for qualitative N-glycan identification or as migration standards for capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence (CE/LIF). CE offers a powerful technique for glycan analysis. Pre-labeled standards ensure that qualitative identfiication of N-glycans can be perfomed quickly and accurately.
Má expirační dobu: Ano
Bio Marker: APTS
Účinnost deglykosylace: -
Analýza Glykanů Aplikace: -
Název glykanu: G2F
Vytěžnost glykanů: -
Typ standardu glykanu: Complex-type Native N-Glycan
Požadavky pro použití kitu: -
Rozsah obsahu proteinů: -
Stabilita vzorku: -
UNSPSC kód: 41116107
Více informací na stránkách výrobce: www.chem.agilent.com/search/
AdvanceBio APTS G2F / FA2G2 N-Glycan Sta
Catalog number: GKSP-305
Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies
Availability: In the manufacturer's stock
Listed price (VAT excl.): 384,59 €
Sale: 25 %
Price (VAT incl.) 349,03 €
288,45 €